Monday, November 1, 2010

Fall '10 Update!

Oh my goodness! God has blessed us soooo much this semester! We have 2 beautiful pledges! [One of which is my little, so, I’m a little biased] and we have 10 actives! Yay! Be praying for the coming semester’s rush, as 5 of our girls will be graduating (one after this semester and the rest in spring)!

Our first excursion to Pismo for the flag football tournament was a complete and total success! It was really awesome meeting so many ADX and AGO-ers!...? I know that for our chapter specifically, it was really cool physically seeing that we are a part of something so big. I think that at times we are discouraged, since we are a fairly small group – fitting since we are just beginning – but it was a huge encouragement to see everyone and know that we have so much support! God has been so gracious to us, and continues to bless our chapter in ways we had never expected.

Which brings me to this past weekend! We had our retreat in fabulous San Diego! It was a beautiful weekend of bonding and growth in Christ. We woke up to the pouring rain and when the weather cleared, we went to Bates Nut Farm and had some fall-time fun! If you are in San Diego, and haven’t gone yet, YOU NEED TO GO! The end. Anyway, aside from our field trip to Bates and church on Sunday, the rest of the weekend was really low-key, fun, and relaxing. This weekend we delved into God’s Word and found what it really means for God to love and romance us. God’s love is so much deeper than we seem to realize, or even acknowledge. He loves us, is jealous for us, and though He knows us better than anyone, He wants us to be vulnerable and open with Him in everything. It was beautiful hearing how God has romanced us each individually, and continually leads us back to Him in ways that are specific and unique to each of us. What an incredible God we serve!

In His love,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy Pismo was such an encouraging event for your chapter! I know we are all excited to see Zeta grow into being a large chapter in the future. It may take some time and there will be some ups and downs, but it WILL happen.
    Your retreat sounds like it was an amazing weekend and I hope to read more about what is going on at ADX Zeta chapter :)
