I was convicted today in my President's Scholars Leadership meeting where the speaker talked about the importance of commitments and following through. It occurred to me that I have been slacking A LOT in the area of this blog. I'm sorry!!! I did just create a
facebook page for ADX Zeta Chapter, so I could post more photos there and people could tag themselves etc... Buuut I should still be keeping this updated too! Sooo here's another update!
So much has happened since I last blogged!
I'm going to back up a little bit even... and explain through photos:
We had a lovely afternoon/evening together for our Pref Tea, and handed out bids that weekend:
We welcomed our Epsilon Pledge class -- the Epsilon Epiphanies (Fireworks)

Here's our Epsilons:
pinwheel, flare, skyrocket, Pledge Mom Jamboree, firecracker, sparkler, popper
They keep us quite entertained ;)
I had the privilege of going up to the Beta ADX house during October, staying there 2 nights and meeting a few of the girls. It was lovely and super awesome to see what it was like to live in a sorority house. We're hoping to get our own started next Fall...
We had a Halloween Party -- dressing up, pumpkin carving, tasty treat eating, and Nightmare Before Christmas watching :]
Twelve of us went up to Pismo to play in the AGO hosted flag football tournament. We didn't win much (or anything), but we had a fantastic time!!
THEN this past weekend was our retreat! We went up to Sapphire's house in Bakersfield and had a lovely restful weekend. We had a tea, an icecream social, some jacuzzi time, delicious food, fantastic fellowship, etc etc etc.
Coming up....
We're going to host a Thanksgiving dinner for the ADX/AGO's in the SoCal area! Check it out on Facebook and RSVP!
Sorry for being a lame historian! I'll try and keep things a little more updated through the rest of the semester!! There's only a few more weeks! Yippee Christmas Break! :D
Keep us in your prayers!